Green Sales Distributions AB (GSD) was founded in 2003 and has since then been one of the major players in non-traditional retailing (ÖB, Dollarstore, etc.) on the Swedish market. In recent years, the company has also grown towards the regular DVH market (ICA, COOP, Axfood and Bergendals) and now GSD is centrally listed on all chains with several of the brands / agencies represented.
We work the Swedish market with our own nationwide sales force. The company also has solutions for Nordic cooperation.
Some of the brands represented are Green Star, Green Classic, Kryddhuset, deBron, Svenskt Godis, Mars, Extra, Bic, Bazooka, Pändy, Grahns, Wellibites, Tweek, HealthyCo and others.
The head office is located in Hallsberg, in the middle of Sweden, which is ideal for logistics and transportation.
Since 2020, the company has been part of the Humble Group - an FMCG group with a focus on health and sustainability.